Duration 6:37

علاج القيلة المائية بالأعشاب Saudi Arabia

6 297 watched
Published 23 Mar 2020

جميع المصادر المذكورة يمكن تنزيلها من https://www.pdfdrive.com/ و ZLibrary هذه هي النصوص باللغة الانكليزية لمن يريد ترجمتها الي اللغة التي يرغبها Treatment.—The following is excellent. Take queen of the meadow, one ounce ; colt's foot, one-fourth pound ; yellow parilla, one-fourth pound. Make one quart of decoction or syrup, and take one table-spoonful three times a day. A suspensory bandage should be worn. These can be had from me at reasonable prices. In some cases the scrotum must be tapped, and the vinous tincture of hemlock bark injected to prevent the return of the effusions. ++++++++++++++++ Description: Mimosa pudica L. is a prickly, herbaceous weed. Leaves bipinnate, very sensitive, fold together when touched, in rain or at night. Leaflets are 15–20 pairs, small oblong, nearly sessile. Flowers are pink and fruits are flat pods covered with bristles. Origin: Native to Brazil. Phytoconstituents: Mimosine, 2-Hydroxymethyl-chroman-4-one and others. Traditional Medicinal Uses: The plant is used on cuts and wounds. It is also used for childbirth and infertility in Trinidad and Tobago. Bath with plant decoction relieves insomnia. The leaves are used for hydrocele, dressing for sinus, sores, piles and swelling of feet. In Mexico, aqueous extracts from dried leaves are employed to alleviate depression. In the Philippines, the leaves soaked in coconut oil is used for ulcers. Pharmacological Activities: Anthelmintic. Antibacterial, Anticonvulsant, Antidepressant, Antifertility, Antifungal, Hyperglycaemic, Antioestrogenic and Antivenom. Dosage: No information as yet. Adverse Reactions: No information as yet. Toxicity: No information as yet. Contraindications: No information as yet. Drug-Herb Interactions: No information as yet. +++++++++++++++++++++++ leaves crushed with lime used for curing fracture; a poultice to treat swellings, hydrocele, dermatitis, insect bite, Guinea-worm sores, wounds and ulcers; leaves juice to stop bleeding; leaves and stems in scorpion sting; leaves and roots pounded into a paste and applied in piles, also used as toothpaste to cure gum bleeding; leaves decoction given to cure liver disorders; a decoction mixed with pieces of Scoparia dulcis as a bath for irritable people, in hysteria. Opuntia stricta Page 2701 (Used in Ayurveda. Injuries caused by spines; severe damage to tongue and mouth may be caused by minute needlelike hairs on the edible fruits. Plant decoction in hydrocele and snakebite; poultice applied in inflammation and boils; stem juice dropped into ear in purulent discharge from ear; stem juice with limestone applied in joint pains; poultice of stem of Opuntia dillenii with bark of Terminalia chebula applied in ulceration in venereal diseases. Root powder used on the teeth in dental caries. Ripe fruits cooling, expectorant and laxative, juice in asthma and in excessive menstrual flow; fruit decoction with ginger given in whooping cough to children; powdered flowers or fruit and sugar given in respiratory diseases. Flowers and stem for foot crack.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bombax ceiba A half-cup extract of bark and flowers is taken for 3 d to treat sexual diseases such as hydrocele, leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea and to treat an irregular menstrual cycle.


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