Duration 3:28

Dog sees a ghost Real Caught on tape - Part 2

827 047 watched
2.3 K
Published 16 Aug 2012

Watch part 1 here: http://bit.ly/NpUiQu This story is 100% real. In December, 2011, my dog Zoey was barking and growling at a wall (ghost) in my apartment. Here in part 2, she did it again a week later. I just came across this footage yesterday while cleaning up my computer's hard drive; I forgot it existed. It is really creepy! After barking at the same exact wall (ghost) several times, she even looks up and stares up at the ghost at the end! Watch the whole thing and you will be totally creeped out!


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Comments - 1123
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    @elparadiso195610 years ago When a dog is anxious (nervous or frightened) it will wag its tail to the left (its left) when happy, it will wag to the right. If you watch your dog id="hidden2" closely, you' ll see theto the right, say, when you get home from work. Your dog, zoey, is clearly wagging her tail to her left. Add to that the barks, the staring at a blank wall, and hesitantly backing up, and it sure appears as if your dog is being frightened by something it can either see, sense, or smell. Demons and evil spirits allegedly are accompanied by an odor of sulphur [rotten eggs] and decaying flesh. Whatever it is, it' s scaring the hell out of your dog.
    have you tried setting up your camera to film that wall overnight? Or to film the entire room? You might be surprised-to put it mildly-at what you may see or hear. If you do, post it. I' d be curious to see what happens.
    good luck!
    . ...Expand 136
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    @samanthaseverin29678 years ago Zoey is very protective over you. That' s why she laid down on your foot. She doesn' t seem to be frightened of the entity. She' s just letting you know that she seesthere. 48
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    @FrankieHernandez290210 years ago My pit does the same thing, she' ll come sit by me and start staring at certain parts of the room and growling. I have no doubt that zoey is probably seeing something you aren' t. 12
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    @killersushi9911 years ago My parents dog barks at the toilet. Must be a ghost in there. 126
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    @tizer4310 years ago This happened to me years ago. My dog had the gentlest nature and when i was home alone with him he suddenly turned visciously and snarling at an empty . ...Expand 2
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    @martymakeupartist8 years ago She' s prolly barking at those ikea chairs. 29
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    @halfbreed4life628 years ago The reason she layer down on your foot was because she needed comforting whatever it was making her uncomfortable! 10
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    @umbricunion8 years ago I love your dog! She' s absolutely adorbs!
    also, you should try taking pictures of that area in the dark. That' s a good way to get a visual on what she' s barking at.
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    @mariusfauru10 years ago Zoey was barking about the mess you have in your house protessting that you shuld do some cleaning: 78
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    @TMIDiva9 years ago I used to get my dogs revved up by sayingthat? What is it" really low and whispering. Being my protectors, they' d growl and go after a wall, the air, a fly. It' s the kind of thing a dog does.
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    @BerryTheBnnuy8 years ago Dog acts stressed out and anxious, therefore ghost! 13
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    @renekenshin657310 years ago The dog clearly see' s something invisible to us, omfg your house is haunted dude. 16
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    @vinnystrobel15644 years ago I' m a believer. That cute dog playfully barking convinced me.
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    @originalmrb16611 years ago Hey zak. Fun stuff! My dog used to track things that weren' t there too. But as an experiment, try removing that portrait from the wall. It could be . ...Expand
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    @annaguida72859 years ago Dude. You have mice in your walls. Calm down. 15
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    @SpectacularDeathSAB11 years ago Casper the friendly ghost, the friendliest ghost you' ll ever meet.
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    @LuWyndaful9 years ago Sweet dog: i have no doubt that shesomething. Please, clean up your room lol! But seriously, she is seeing something that you can' t and her eyes look a bit scared and wary at the end of your video. Thanks!. ...Expand 39
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    @ThisAccount10 years ago For how long have you had zoey? I had my dog since she was born and she always does things like that and then comes to me and sits right beside me once . ...Expand 3
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    @QuackersJackers10 years ago Wow, there is so many angry nasty people in this world and a lot of them seem to find harmless videos like this to spew their nastiness around. I hope if you do have a ghost, it seems to be fairly mild and not causing you to much grief. I fully believe that animals can see spirits. I am sure that my animals have seen things too. We get a lot of activity and i did see a flash of light cross my living room and it went right out the wall. I would have thought i was seeing things except for the fact that my dog watched it too. His head followed the light just as mine did and then he barked at the wall! Keep recording things when your dog is acting funny and you might just catch something but please dont encourage any spirit activity as they can cause a lot of problems. ...Expand 4
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    @s.mcdaniel11497 years ago " you' re freakin' freakin' me out, zoey! " you' re cracking me up. Zoey' s such a pretty girl.
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    @animewolvesrock393410 years ago Wow creepy and may i add your dog zoey is adorable < 3. 4
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    @lindsaywerling884610 years ago That would freak me out if my dog did that. You have a good dog though, when she lay at your feet she was probably either scared or more likely guarding you. Good zoey. 1
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    @meichelle200010 years ago Maybe she doesn' t like the picture on the wall haha. This is cool tho: 9
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    @DeronEpstein11 years ago That' s really cool, boss. I wish you could bring zoey around to our house. We think there' s a ghost living in the basement who occasionally wanders upstairs.
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    @DragonfliesonBreak11 years ago That' s pretty awesome. Nice video! I hope you' re able to find out what' s going on. D.
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    @legendralegendry702710 years ago Trust me!
    i love dogs and they can see ghosts being for real because they have the same eye sight as cats.
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    @SussexUFOS10 years ago Actually robert, zoe' s body language says otherwise. If it were a neighbour next door, the dog wouldn' t be too bothered, zoe' s ears are back, video 1: shows an alert dog. Ears forward, tail slightly up = nervousness, apprehension, unsure. ...Expand 2
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    @carolinemendez712410 years ago There' s a myth that if you get cold from a dogs eye and put it in yours you can see ghost. 2
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    @meylianyma740910 years ago All i know is u really have a beautiful zoey. 5
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    @melloniche11 years ago On an off note that has got to be the cutest puppy ever.
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    @corinneg29639 years ago If there was a ghost, you would have strange noises happening or things being knocked or thrown across the room. The dog probably didn' t see anything . ...Expand
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    @Thundernerd2aBird11 years ago I don' t believe your dog saw a ghost, but you have a gorgeous dog, her eyes are so cute:
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    @kylieiscool13527 years ago My dog always stares, barks, and growls at my stairs whenever we' re alone together.
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    @angelfierypetals52526 years ago Everyone says someone passed away years ago in our apt. I can' t breathe in the bathroom and my pit bull always escorts me stays with me. Sometimes . ...Expand
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    @st.francisanddr.pepper13048 years ago Could it not be your neighbors making noise across the wall? Oer an animal in the walls? 4
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    @GabrielRodriguez-xr5nj10 years ago I had something similar like this happen. My dog would bark into my parents room when the lights were turned off at night and nobody in the room, it would . ...Expand
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    @Pro-Deolast year She looks at fridge. It has food in it. She goes to the kitchen table a couple times. Looking for food. She wants goodies is all.
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    @skatingdread12 years ago That is one lovely dog you have there mate:
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    @spidey11709 years ago I was living in a cabin with my girlfriend awhile back and we had a cat and a deaf australian cattle dog - he was born completely deaf. This cabin was one day he was staying over and the cat ran up the steep steps, stopped at the top and looked down; my friend heard footsteps and thought that my girlfriend had come home; the cat watched whomever was walking up the stairs until the noise was even with his head (he was laying on the carpet in the loft) and the cat was looking straight up at whatever was standing next to my friend. He immediately drove to my parents' house, where i was studying for final exams, and told me about it; it clearly frightened him enough, especially when he noticed that both the cat and the dog would see something that they clearly did not like.
    a little while later, after several more incidents, i was sitting downstairs reading and the deaf cattle dog and the cat began to go absolutely crazy at something standing in the corner; the cat was hissing and backing up into the wall, hair standing on end and the cattle dog was growling, with his hackles completely up (which is impressive on an australian cattle dog if you' ve never witnessed it) and it wasn' t stopping. After about a minute of this growing in intensity, i picked up the cat (who passively let me, all the while hissing at this presence) pulled the dog by the collar, got in my car and left.
    the dog and cat noticed more and more frequently whatever it was as the knocks grew louder, there were more weird incidents, and my girlfriend began smelling a foul piss-like odor. Finally, i moved us out of that place and into a camp ground as night managers so that we could get away from this horrible cabin (we were getting ready for graduate school, so the timing was perfect) if you ever want an authentic test of whether there are spiritual entities around, a deaf australian cattle dog is hard to beat; later in life, due to the experiences in the cabin, we started a paranormal group with the cattle dog as a primary member
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    @mariusfauru10 years ago What is it zoey? And zoey said: i have a huge itch on my ass and cant scratch it! 8
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    @krisballico804110 years ago I lived at a place once, i had my dog and my girlfriend had her two cats. They would mill about the flat for the most part but from time to time they would . ...Expand 1
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    @eiiaa6 years ago So whether your pup is barking at an energy or spirit from someone who has passed, or is just barking at a wafting smell of something tasty that your neighbor is cooking, we may never really know for sure.
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    @viveremilitareest928110 years ago This cries legitimacy. Freaky stuff man! Especially when it comes to animals freaking out, remember their senses are far more sensitive than ours. Always watch how the dog reacts
    good vid man.
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    @Katinnity7 years ago My dog does this type of bark at one part of my room too. She does a quiet growl too. I think she' s scared of the spirit. My mum keeps saying it' s . ...Expand
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    @jasonelliot91028 years ago When the dog sits is where the ghost was pretty smart dog bro.
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    @ASUGURL1111 years ago Your dog voice is awesome! Everyone has one, lol.
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    @ajbrtn12 years ago That makes a lot of sense. I do agree that your dog was clearly aggitated about something. Ya never know, sometimes they do see/hear/feel what wevideo though. And cute dog, btw:
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    @Sayonarax19 years ago I read a story about a owner of a dog in asia had a dream and in that dream he heard voices telling him to open the door, and when he went to open the . ...Expand
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    @PutridAvenger8 years ago When i used to live in massachusetts in a house from the early 20th century my alarm clock' s radio would turn on around 3am and just play static my . ...Expand
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    @Aki-pm5je9 years ago Dude! My dog does the same thing! Only at night too. Before i go to bed and after taking my dog up on my bed, i shut off the lights then he jumps up. He looks at the wall and barks and growls every night!
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    @chicagobeast1010 years ago 1 day i was alone in my house. Playing video games. It was like 12am my dog was sleeping in the living room i was in the couch. Then i heard like a waterbottle . ...Expand 3
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    @cashmereminx00710 years ago You have a beautiful dog who is definitely seeing something! 1
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    @1019192711 years ago You can tell by the dogs eye movements, it is in fact seeing something, it' s clearly looking at something, plus given the behavior and demeanor of the dog. I think you got spooks in your place.
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    @KB-ji3gp7 years ago And this just happened to me and my dog. Barking at completely nothing. She was looking up towards the ceiling. I started praying.
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    @dare2eatcandy10 years ago Zoe' s a cute pup. She was barking bcuz your apartment needs cleaning. 15
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    @TheSensfan0911 years ago One thing your dog is a real cutie, second my sisters dog does the same thing in her apartment, he will sit in the hallway and just bark and growl at nothing.
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    @leebreed557211 years ago Could be something from outside reflecting in that picture! Whatever it is, she is not going to let it hang around unannounced! You can tell she is very . ...Expand
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    @utoobe13411 years ago Awww she genuinely looks scared at the end! And the way she goes to stand by you and sit on your foot like shes protecting you! So cute! Am in agreement though that this is very odd.
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    @Foster-di7rm8 years ago I know I'm late, but my dog was barking at nothing too, so I looked up "Can dogs see ghosts" found this video and at class="buttons"> you looked up and there was a ceiling fan then I realized that my dog was barking straight at the ceiling fan too. My ceiling fan was moving very slowly at the time. Maybe that's the problem? .. ...Expand 3
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    @mjaxdes11 years ago If you' ve never lived in a home with aor whatever your obviously sceptical of this sort of thing. I moved into an old victorian in pa and my new jack r puppy almost as soon as we moved in did this same thing but with must more aggression. What really gave me the chills is that he was looking up in the corners of the room at head height and snarling. Notice how dogs always look humans in the eye not the knee or elbow. I closed off the second floor soon after. ...Expand
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    @MsLoriGold11 years ago I had two precious doggies who grew up together & sadly had to be put to sleep 8 months apart (one had a stroke; she was just over 14 years & the . ...Expand
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    @kfing17 years ago Zoe says ' dad, there' s a presence in this house! #39;
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    @JanellieXKandiee10 years ago I' m in dog training, your dog is showing signs of being stressed in both videos. She' s showing she is unsure of that area in the apartment. It . ...Expand 1
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    @peterpiperman95428 years ago Friendly ghost? Dog' s tail was wagging. Usually the fur stands up on the back of the neck and they growl aggressively at something evil. 4
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    @NotoriousIshii11 years ago Did you check to see if the ceiling fan or the electrical outlet has a short somewhere? My dog was going absolute insane over a corner of our house, it . ...Expand
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    @Sashagirl5211 years ago That was so adorable when she lays on your foot lol awe.
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    @AwakenEmile10 years ago Probably barking at the shadows from your messy room. Lol.
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    @conniescott196211 years ago Zoey was definitely getting stressed over something and it looked like she was protecting you by standing at your feet.
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    @hopeurrutia27548 years ago My dog use to bark at a picture of johnny cash. Maybe take the picture of the people down. 2
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    @dbearden25789 years ago Shadows and reflections often freak dogs out. Could hear neighbors talking since your in a apartment.
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    @HighCrafting12 years ago First of all, i wanna give zoe some hugs and kisses! Second of all, she definitely is seeing something and i agree that you should set up your camera overnight with some night vision.
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    @coffeeseriez4 years ago It doesn' t mean there' s ghost right here. They just smells something tasty food.
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    @ladygodiva96511 years ago Dog is acting perfectly normal and didn' t seem to be particularly interested in the wall she was reacting to the owner saying ' what is it' . ...Expand
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    @711lila6 years ago Okay but that dog is soo freakin adorable.
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    @valariesrisingsun79379 years ago Dog' s are colour blind, so it' s easier for them to see spirit' s. I believe that your dog really does see something. I believe, alot of people . ...Expand 3
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    @smileydie497311 years ago Judging by the look of it, u live in an apartment and seeing where the door is and which wall she is. Barking at it is possible she is hearing something . ...Expand 1
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    @Zuuby6 years ago It would be very odd for an entity to stay in one spot for so long. Zoey is definitely a little spooked though. If it was a ghost, its apparently not malevolent or there would be plenty more signs other than zoey.
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    @Westerlijk11 years ago Your dog wants atention, just like you . 5
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    @Hvsoka11 years ago When he said i dope it' s the fridge turning on my ac turned on and i screamed. Xd.
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    @tommyhildebrand390911 years ago Cool stuff! If you do set up a camera make sure its a full spectrum, all the colors we can and cant see. I dont know but maybe dogs can see in uv and the other colors besides the supposed just black and white. Pretty pup too! ...Expand
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    @sexychocolate25210 years ago She is trying to tell you your house is a mess lol.
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    @zacharyclark201011 years ago Thank you! I appreciate your support and belief. I am an open book, and i have nothing to hide!
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    @CynthiaRomeo11 years ago Your dog is beautiful! Im going to subscribe to watch your other videos.
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    @-yeme-9 years ago So nice puppy i would pet it & give foods to eat & take for walk a lot. 3
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    @ghosthuntersnyc-upperwests28858 years ago ~zoey is really cute. She' s defiantly attentive to something over there. Ever left a camera filming over night?
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    @katelynnelly18897 years ago I was in the basement sitting with my pup and on two seperate occasions he got very still and started a deep low growl towards the corners. And he is not . ...Expand
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    @fakesmiles63057 years ago I moved into a house that has been here since the 1800 with my family and two dogs. I'm not the only one who has seen this but there are two people living in our house with us that aren't exactly alive any more. I have seen a little boy all pale wearing nothing but a white diaper and brown hair also a women with a white corset and green dress, messy brown hair like she was getting ready. They always walk into my brothers room. My one dog Rocky is a deaf dog and the other is Roxie. They are both siblings. The one thing is that one day I was home alone bc I was sick and Rocky started barking at my little brothers room and Roxie wouldn't come towards my bed room but she kept looking at my brothers room. I went inside the room and nothing was there. I tried calling them back into my room and the kept staring and barking at his room. Another night my brother got scared and came to me bc he hates waking my mom up. It was am! He wanted me to check his room bc he felt like someone was trying to touch him. I went in and Roxie followed then she literally stopped at the door and growled at the edge of my brothers bed like someone was sitting there. My dogs are really protected of my little brother bc they are all the same age 7. They have never acted the way the did before. .. ...Expand