Duration 1:17

SECRETS TO NO CREAM, CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP شوربة المشروم | Israa Gamal Saudi Arabia

Published 8 Feb 2021

If you want to know how to prepare cream of mushroom soup with no cream then here's a quick and easy recipe for you...It's still soup season and here's to another yummy and cozy soup that suits winter time very much 😍 Mushroom Soup is a classic for winter🍄 Ingredients... المكونات -------------------------------- {Fresh Mushrooms...طبق مشروم فريش} {1 Onion... بصلة} {1 Tsp garlic paste... ا ملعقة ثوم مهروس} {1 Tsp olive oil... زيت زيتون} {Salt, pepper, Oregano...ملح ، فلفل اسود، اوريجانو} {1 Tsp Flour... ملعقة دقيق} {1 cup milk...كوب لبن} {1 Maggie... ماجي} ... ... ... #soup #mushrooms #homemade #mushroom soup #homemade #madewithlove #foodie #foodfeedbuzz #foodlover #wintersoup #instafood #yummyfood #yummy #شوربة #شوربة_مشروم #اكل_بيتي #وصفات #وصفات_بيتي 4d


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